Year 7 Taster Day - Saturday 9 November 2024, 9.30am - 1.30pm
On Saturday 9 November we will be holding our annual Taster Day for girls considering joining College in Year 7 (Upper 3). The Taster Day is open to girls who are currently in Year 6 or Year 5 and we have a slightly different programme happening on the day for each year group.
We never underestimate how difficult choosing the right school is and our annual Taster Day is designed to help you and your daughter in that decision making process.
Here’s an idea of what your daughter can expect from our Taster Day:
- Experience a carousel of activities run by our teachers which will enable her to sample our academic and extra-curricular opportunities
- Meet some of her potential classmates
- Meet some of our teachers and form tutors
- Start to find her way around College and get to know our facilities first hand
- Enjoy a themed lunch (It’s all prepared on-site by our catering team and it’s delicious!)
We also encourage parents to attend Taster Day where possible. Here’s an outline of what you will gain from joining us for Taster Day:
- Meet senior College staff
- Learn about daily College life and the academic and extra-curricular opportunities available to girls
- Tour the school with one of our pupils
- Understand the application process
- Find out about Entrance Exams and how to prepare your daughter
- Find out about our Scholarships and the application / assessment process
- Learn about our Bursaries and how to apply
- Gain information on the practical things such school transport, uniforms and fees
- Enjoy a themed lunch (It’s all prepared on-site by our catering team and it’s delicious!)
Taster Day is an exciting event for the girls and is one of the highlights of the year. As well as giving you the opportunity to get to know us, it also gives us the chance to start to get to know you and your daughter.
The day will start at 9.30am and finish just after lunch around 1.30pm.
How to Book
We would be delighted to see you and your daughter at our Taster Day so that we can start to get to know you and your daughter and you can get to know us. To reserve a place, simply submit the form below or contact our Events Team direct on 01423 537045 or email