FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

Christmas Jumper Day

Highfield children celebrated Christmas Jumper day in style. Consisting of a cinema trip for KS2 and a magic elf show for KS1, followed by a Christmas Dinner.


Children in Prep 2, Prep 1, Reception and Transition spread the joy of Christmas as they performed in their Class Nativities. They all enjoyed taking to the stage and getting into character.

Science Experiment

Prep 4 have enjoyed experimenting with chocolate during their Science lessons. They made water baths, to control the temperature and then tested how long the chocolate would take to melt.

Writers Workshop

Pupils in Key Stage 2 took part in a Writing Workshop led by Author Liz Flanagan. Pupils used their imagination to create characters, settings and an exciting story opener.

Roman Invasion

Prep 3 had an amazing time experiencing life as a Roman! They showcased their considerable talents, working together to make catapult and even compiled a Roman menu including swans and dormice!

A visit from local author

Local author, Elizabeth Green, visited Highfield to talk about her books: The Owl Who Could Only Growl and Detective Dopeyworth and the Mince Pie Mystery.