Highfield Prep School Welcomes Mabel Jones Author

Highfield Prep School boys and girls welcomed Mabel Jones author Will Mabbitt to school recently to talk about how he comes up with ideas for his stories. The bestselling children’s author of the hugely popular Mabel Jones … Read Full Story

Highfield Receives IAPS Accreditation

We’re delighted to announce that Highfield Prep School has been accepted as members of IAPS (The Independent Association of Prep Schools), which represents over 650 outstanding prep schools throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. This … Read Full Story

Highfield Festive Highlights

Christmas is a magical time at Highfield with lots of festive events taking place throughout the school and beyond.  Our youngest children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 performed their own delightful nativity plays … Read Full Story

The Mayor of Harrogate Leads Highfield Prep School Assembly

Highfield Prep School boys and girls welcomed the Mayor of Harrogate to their Morning Assembly to talk about his role and being an ambassador for the Borough. The Mayor was invited to Highfield to supplement … Read Full Story

D-Day Landings Come to Life at Highfield Prep School

History was brought to life recently at Highfield Prep School when pupils were joined by a veteran from the D-Day landings. Mr Laurie Burn, 92, was part of the ‘Seahorses’ who formed the first landings … Read Full Story

The Vikings Invade Highfield

Boys and girls at Highfield Prep School were invaded by a group of fearsome Vikings who decided to make Harrogate their home for the day. Brandishing swords and deadly daggers, the Vikings took over the … Read Full Story