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Welcome Back
We really enjoyed having most of Year 4 in school. It was lovely to see them chatting and working with their friends and playing battleships together in Maths.
Year 1 pupils have been busy in their English lessons reading recipes. After reading the method, the boys and girls drew some excellent picture boards to illustrate each step.
Signs Of Summer
Year 1 pupils enjoyed spending time outside and looked for signs of summer in their Science lessons, exploring different parts of the school grounds.
Welcome Back!
It has been lovely to welcome back Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 classes. The children have come into school so happily and have been busy with their learning.
Music Lessons
Pupils are enjoying weekly remote piano lessons with Mrs Speirs. Sometimes they have a very funky tech set-up with two cameras and split screens!
Beautiful Beetles
Siblings in different year groups enjoyed working together to create beautiful, symmetrical beetles in their art sessions.