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Move To School
Boys and girls in all year groups have been rethinking the school run this week and finding ways to making it fun, safer and healthier!
Roman Shields
Year 3 learned how to fold paper into quarters to make four identical eagle wings. They then arranged them symmetrically and added lightning bolts and arrows to make wonderful Roman shields!
Human Digestion And Nutrition
Year 4 pupils investigated the journey that food takes through our digestive system in their Science lesson. They had fun and learnt a lot about the different stages!
‘Ralph Day’ raises over £2,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support
Highfield Prep-School in Harrogate have celebrated ‘Ralph Day’ – a charity day of happiness and joy to celebrate head boy Ralph Tasker successfully finishing his cancer treatment. Diagnosed when he was just 6 years old, … Read Full Story
Anglo Saxon Trip To Murton Hall
Year 4 enjoyed a trip to Murton Park. The children dressed up as Anglo Saxons and spent a truly memorable day living as peasants in a village.
Forces In Science
Year 5 have been investigating forces in Science and who has the best grip on their shoe using Newton Meters. They were surprised by the results!