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Leading The Way In Charity Fundraising For CARE International UK
Pupils at Highfield Prep School in Harrogate are the top school in the country lending through Lendwithcare, a poverty fighting initiative of charity, CARE International UK. Lendwithcare is a revolutionary way to help people in … Read Full Story
Reading Sessions
Year 2 children enjoyed taking part in group and guided reading sessions with a new selection of books. They were animated and enthusiastic sharing the experience of reading with their friends.
Christmas Card Design Competition Winner
Congratulations to Poppy in Year 2 for her brilliant design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends.
Forest School
As part of their Forest School sessions Year 6 pupils learnt how to use knives safely to whittle sticks. They then built a fire to toast their marshmallows!
Smelly Science!
Year 5 pupils have been making plastic from milk in Science and learnt how materials can change. They had great fun, even it was a bit smelly!
Marshmallow Man
Year 3 were given the challenge of making a figure using marshmallows. They kept collapsing until they added their ‘skeleton’ made out of cocktail sticks and Marshmallow Man was born!