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Highfield Swim Squad
The Highfield Swim Squad took part in a swimming gala last week. We are so proud of all the pupils, who swam fantastically in their individual and team races!
Anglo-Saxon Adventure
Prep 4 stepped back in time as they embarked on an Anglo-Saxon adventure at Harewood House, joining the tribes of Saxons Tor, Sprot and Grim!
Careers Fair Builds Connections for Harrogate Ladies’ College Students
A selection of Russell Group Universities, architects, legal practices, and the Armed Forces were just some of the exhibitors on show at this year’s Be Inspired Careers Fair at Harrogate Ladies’ College Prep 6 pupils … Read Full Story
Prep 6 Learn CPR
Prep 6 took part in a resuscitation workshop with the help of Harrogate Hospital Resuscitation team. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed learning life saving skills and were very enthusiastic about taking part!
Highfield’s Buddy Program Fosters Friendships
Reception children are settling in quicker, building strong relationships and enhancing their communication skills through Highfield Prep School’s buddy program. The program, which runs weekly during term time, sees Prep 6 pupils have 1:1 time … Read Full Story
Bring a Bulb Day
Highfield pupils had lots of fun planting bulbs around campus, as part of ‘Bring a Bulb day’. We can’t wait to see all of the colourful flowers blossoming in the Spring.