Christmas Card Design Competition Winner

Congratulations to Poppy in Year 2 for her brilliant design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends. 

Forest School

As part of their Forest School sessions Year 6 pupils learnt how to use knives safely to whittle sticks. They then built a fire to toast their marshmallows!

Smelly Science!

Year 5 pupils have been making plastic from milk in Science and learnt how materials can change. They had great fun, even it was a bit smelly!

Marshmallow Man

Year 3 were given the challenge of making a figure using marshmallows. They kept collapsing until they added their ‘skeleton’ made out of cocktail sticks and Marshmallow Man was born!

Move To School

Boys and girls in all year groups have been rethinking the school run this week and finding ways to making it fun, safer and healthier!

Roman Shields

Year 3 learned how to fold paper into quarters to make four identical eagle wings. They then arranged them symmetrically and added lightning bolts and arrows to make wonderful Roman shields!