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Rock ‘n’ Roll Christmas
Our children wowed the audiences with their nativity plays. We loved the Rock ‘n’ Roll production from Prep 2, the angelic performances from Prep 1 and the Grumpy Sheep show from Reception.
Bubbling with Enthusiasm
Budding scientists in Prep 4 like nothing more than an intriguing experiment. This week they have been investigating the properties of liquids and gasses, and the process of evaporation.
Salve, Magister!
Prep 3 pupils donned their finest togas, tunics and armour for their long-awaited Roman Assembly. It was wonderful to see them so immersed in their roles!
Onwards and Upwards
Prep 6 pupils enjoyed the opportunity to meet a senior school Head this week, when Mrs Brett, Principal of HLC, talked to them about what to expect at senior school.
Adventurous Spirit
Prep 5 pupils enjoyed a fabulous residential trip at Thurstan. The children canoed, caved, climbed and explored, revelling in the challenges and the whole adventure.
In the Thick of It
Prep 6 pupils had a great time at Forest School, exploring the Pinewoods and completing several team challenges to develop their communication and teamwork skills.