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Aiming High in Taekwondo
Pupils in our Taekwondo Club took part in their first grading exam. The Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate were guests of honour and presented belts and certificates.
A Healthy Outlook
Our Reception class have been investigating health and wellbeing. This week they visited our Wellness Centre to meet the nursing team and find out how they help us.
Donkey Designs
In RE lessons, Prep 3 pupils learnt about the Palm Sunday story and created their own beasts of burden to bring the story to life.
Inspiring Woman Competition
Harrogate Ladies’ College has launched a junior essay writing competition to mark International Women’s Day. We can’t wait to read tales of inspirational women from budding writers at local primary schools. The competition, entitled ‘Inspirational … Read Full Story
Close Encounters
Everyone was fascinated by the creatures they were able learn about at the Bugs Workshop this week. Pupils enjoyed close encounters with spiders, stick insects, snakes and a scorpion!
Jungle Japes!
Teachers have been busy transforming the school during the half term holiday as part of a surprise ‘Rainforest Week’ for the children. Pupils will spend this week learning how society’s actions can have a negative … Read Full Story