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New Early Years Head Joins Highfield Pre-School
Harrogate Ladies’ College has appointed a new Head of Early Years to further enrich the teaching and learning at Highfield Pre-School, the school’s associated nursery setting. Kathryn Wilson, who is originally from Ripon, is returning … Read Full Story
Speech Day
The Highfield family gathered for a memorable Speech Day celebrating an amazing year. Dr Emily Lawson DBE spoke eloquently about lessons learnt from her work on the Covid Vaccine Rollout.
Shining a Light
As part of their Science topic exploring the qualities of light, Prep 3 pupils created clever optical illusions to show the wonderful animals and plants in our oceans by ‘torchlight’.
The Summer Fete
HLC Friends organised a wonderful Summer Fete, even managing to find the perfect weather window! Pupils and parents had such fun on all the stalls and the inflatable assault courses.
Mini Maestros
Pupils and parents have enjoyed a fabulous series of mini-concerts this term. This week, it was the turn of our budding pianists to show off their newly acquired skills.
Animal Magic
Prep 4 pupils enjoyed a fabulous day out at Flamingo Land this week. They enjoyed thinking about how each animal’s body helps them to live in their environment.