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Firework Sparkles
Foundation had fun exploring all things bonfire night. They enjoyed creating their own patterns in the firework sparkles, all whilst learning about how to stay safe around fires.
Aromas in the Air
Transition pupils have been exploring their sense of smell, by smelling different aromas and incorporating them into everyday play, such as cinnamon Play-Doh and writing their names in strawberry conditioner.
The Five Senses
Foundation pupils have been exploring their senses from listening to the sounds in their environment, by playing in the water, painting conkers and playing with Play-Doh that smells like chocolate.
Conker Trail
Transition children have been looking at the formation of numbers and matching quantities to them by using conkers that they have found around the Pre-School grounds.
Chopping Away
Transition pupils have been focussing on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ whilst learning how to stay healthy and practising self-care by making delicious smoothies.
Digging for worms
Foundation children put on their coats and wellies so they could go digging for worms in the garden when it rained!