Tea and Toys at Highfield Pre-School – A Parent and Toddler Group for 0-2 Year Olds

Highfield Pre-School’s parent and toddler group for 0-2 year olds.  The sessions will run on Thursday afternoons from 2pm-3pm and will recommence on Thursday 31st January. They provide a great opportunity for parents and children … Read Full Story

Pre-School pupils create a stir for Christmas!

Budding chefs at Pre-School got ready for Christmas this week by making puddings on ‘stir-up Wednesday’. The lesson was led by the school’s Catering Manager and trained chef, Mr Robinson.

All About Me

Pre-School children have been investigating where they live; the types of houses they live in and how they are made in their  ‘All About Me’ topic, and even made their own houses! 

EYFS Harvest Sing

Boys and girls from Transition joined Reception for our EYFS Harvest Sing. The children shared gifts to support our harvest charity and entertained their families and friends with songs and poems!

Learning Outside the Classroom

The wonderful new Outdoor Classroom was enjoyed by our Pre-School children this week.

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Pre-School children received a letter inviting them by the ‘Teddy Bears’ to follow some clues for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic! Everyone enjoyed a very special party snack time!