Scissor Skills

Transition children have been continuing with their scissor line practice as part of their home learning.

Home Learning

The children in Foundation and Transition have been busy at home baking cakes, building towers, counting, writing, painting rainbows and making dinosaurs!

Outdoor Creativity

Foundation and Transition children created masterpieces outside. The Transition children even made their own paint brushes with the sticks they found on their walk!

Critical Thinking and Teamwork

Boys and girls in Transition created a rainbow with objects from the classrooms. They then took their learning outside and created rainbows on the playground using powder paint.

Making The Most Of The Weather

Pre-school children investigated the snow in and out of the classroom. They built an indoor snowman but discovered that outdoor snowmen were a better option!

Valentine’s Messages From Our Youngest Pupils

Our youngest boys and girls have been using their creative skills to make Valentine’s messages for friends and family.