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Snacks In The Sunshine
Transition pupils enjoyed their first picnic snack together outside in the spring sunshine!
Blowing Bubbles
Our youngest boys and girls enjoyed moving to the bubbles blowing in pre-school this week and catching them as they fell.
A World Of Magic
Foundation and Transition pupils had a great week enjoying ‘A World of Magic’. The children arrived at pre-school to find magical entrances and made potions, wands and magic painting pictures.
Around The World
The children in Transition have been exploring the world around them. They created maps of the world and enjoyed the role play area where they travelled on many adventures.
Mark Making
The children in Transition have been busy in and out of the classroom. Mark making has been key to much of what they have been doing in school.
Music Time
Water play and music time is always an important part of the school day in Foundation and enjoyed by our boys and girls!