Physical Development

Boys and girls in Transition have been very busy this week and making the most of the autumn sunshine. They have been working on their physical development – balancing and climbing.

Signs Of Autumn

Making the most of our beautiful gardens and surroundings continues to be part of everyday life at pre-school. The children have explored outdoors looking for signs of life whilst collecting leaves.


Teamwork plays a key part in everyday life, especially in Pre-School. The children in Foundation are learning to work and play together. It’s always great fun making friends!

PE Lesson

The children in Transition enjoyed PE in the College Assembly Hall which was the first of many great lessons with Mr Ryan and Miss Marshall!

Outdoor Classroom

We welcomed Mrs Wormald from ‘big school’ this week and our pre-school children enjoyed a lesson in the Outdoor Classroom.

Outdoor Lessons

Our boys and girls have been enjoying our beautiful outdoor space. They’ve been thinking about the things they can do now that the couldn’t do when they were a baby.