Festive Celebrations

Pre-School have enjoyed festive celebrations. Hot chocolate and Christmas biscuits were a real treat and the children also enjoyed a visit from a very special guest who brought gifts for everyone.

Away In A Manger

Transition enjoyed their moment in the spotlight this week and performed their nativity, ‘Away in a Manger’ beautifully. Well done to all the boys and girls that took part!

Transition And Foundation

Pre-School pupils were very excited when two new vehicles arrived in the garden. They have very kindly been purchased by the Keay-Wilson family. A huge thank you from everyone!

Transition Team Work

Boys and girls in Transition worked together in the garden to make tracks and pathways with wooden blocks. A great time was had by all!

Bonfire Night

Following on from Bonfire Night celebrations the boys and girls in Transition had great fun creating their own bonfire in the pre-school garden!

Indoor And Outdoor Spaces

Foundation pupils have enjoyed playing in the muddy puddles outdoors, however the children also love our ‘lycra’ songs when we want to stay warm indoors!