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Planting Sunflowers
Transition pupils had fun digging and preparing the soil for the sunflower seeds that are being planted. The boys and girls were very excited when they found some potatoes in the raised beds!
Charity Day
Boys and girls in Pre-School enjoyed participating in our Sports-themed Charity Day on Thursday.
Budding Chefs
Budding chefs have been very busy in Pre-School this week, both inside and outside, and staff have been treated to delicious meals that the children have created!
Learning & Playing Outside
Pre-School pupils have been making the most of the beautiful weather and the wonderful gardens to learn and play together outside. A fantastic start to the Summer Term!
Mark-making plays a key part in activities in Pre-School. Children in Transition have been perfecting their pencil grips and using their phonic understanding of letters to create some great images.
Snacks In The Sunshine
Transition pupils enjoyed their first picnic snack together outside in the spring sunshine!