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Autumn Enthusiasts
Our EYFS children are always full of the joys of any season, and Autumn is no exception. They have had great fun counting, feeling, drawing and describing the fallen leaves.
Hallowe’en Holiday Club
Our Holiday Club children have had a fantastic fortnight of activities, with lots of baking and outdoor games. This week they have enjoyed preparing for Hallowe’en!
Family Reunion
HLC hosted a rather special coffee morning to welcome back some of our old girls, all of whom are now either parents or grandparents of children currently in our schools.
Easy Pickings
Children in Foundation have had a wonderful time playing games with tweezers, whilst developing their fine motor skills. They discovered conkers are especially tricky to pick up!
Harvest Festival
Transition pupils celebrated Harvest Festival with a fun-packed ‘Harvest Sing’. The children really enjoyed learning the songs and the actions for their performance.
A Peek at the Pool
Transition pupils went on an adventure to find the pool, in preparation for the start of their swimming lessons next week.