‘F’ is for Fish

Transition Class children have been working hard on their letter sound ‘F’ this week, building their very own role play ‘Fire Station’, and creating colourful fish.

Outdoor Adventurers

Our intrepid Pre-School children have been enjoying some outdoor adventures this week, developing their climbing and balance skills and having a huge amount of fun.

Chopstick Challenge

Pre-School children enjoyed experimenting with chopsticks this week, and discovered just how tricky it is to pick up grains of rice. They soon realised that spoons were much easier!

Watch the Birdie!

Pre-School children had a wonderful week exploring the bird life around the school grounds for the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch – a perfect theme for practising numbers and colours too.

Feathered Friends

Pre-School children are busy preparing for the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch, and have made some wonderful pictures of our feathered friends, using bits and bobs they found in the garden.

Musical Maths

Pre-School children have been working hard on their counting skills this week. They enjoyed learning new songs that involved lots of counting and concentration!