An Angelic Performance

Pre-School children wowed parents and staff with their confident performances at their nativity play. Several children also sang enchanting solos. They really brought home the magic of Christmas.

Rhythm Time

Our Pre-School children really enjoy their specialist music lessons each week, and also love to explore rhythm and pitch using the Garden Music Area!

Seasonal Colours

Our Foundation class have been experimenting with paint and colour blending this week, and thinking about seasonal colours. They do love playing in the mud kitchen too!

Freedom of Expression

Our creative Pre-School children have been especially busy practising their fine motor skills and developing their artistry. It is amazing what they learn through play and experimentation.

Feed the Birds!

Our Pre-School nature lovers like to ensure that our feathered friends are well fed in the Winter months.  They concentrated hard when topping up the bird feeders this week.

Autumn Enthusiasts

Our EYFS children are always full of the joys of any season, and Autumn is no exception. They have had great fun counting, feeling, drawing and describing the fallen leaves.