Jubilee Jelly

Pre-School children were delighted to join the older pupils for a special jubilee indoor picnic. Everyone enjoyed sandwiches, sausage rolls, fairy cakes, jelly and crown shaped biscuits.

Making a Splash

Pre-School children are really loving their weekly swimming lessons in our on site pool, and are taking to it like ducks to water!

Letter Shapes

It’s never too early to start on your first novel! Our Pre-School children have been working diligently on their letter shapes this week. Well done, everybody!

Happy Snackers

Our Pre-School children really worked up an appetite playing in the garden this week and are always ready for refreshments. It is thirsty work climbing and building!

Making it Count

Foundation pupils are really flying with their maths comprehension. They concentrated hard on matching numbers with objects that they were counting this week.

Come and Sing!

Children from Harrogate and Pre-Schoolers have a wonderful time at ‘Come and Sing!’ –  open to all toddlers (and parents!) at Highfield Hall every Wednesday 12-12.45pm – find out more: mrs.gray@hlc.org.uk