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Celebrating with Song
Our EYFS children celebrated Harvest by performing songs and poems for their parents. Everyone showed great enthusiasm and had learnt their words and actions so well!
Harvest Hats
Children in Pre-School are preparing for their Harvest Sing-a-Long next week. They made their own unique Harvest hats using card and leaf shapes.
A Balancing Act
Children in Pre-School have been practising their measuring skills and learning to balance scales with water and sand. It’s amazing how much you can learn whilst playing!
Autumn Fun
Children in Pre-School are exploring the season of Autumn. They had fun collecting leaves and conkers and finding out why some trees change colour at this time of year.
Splashing Out In the Pool
Children in Pre-School enjoyed their first swimming lesson of the term last week, in our lovely pool. They demonstrated great listening skills and excellent water confidence.
Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II
Following the incredibly sad news this evening of the death of Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, we join with people across the UK and around the world in sending our deepest and most heartfelt … Read Full Story