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Animal Yoga
Transition children took part in a ‘farm’ themed yoga session last week. They practised new poses including chicken, cow and farmer pose, engaging their core muscles and working on balance.
Searching for Wildlife
Pre-School took a trip to the pond last week, to search for wildlife. They caught three slimy frogs and the children were fascinated, getting to look closely at the frogs features.
Goldilocks Adventures
Foundation dressed up as bears and went on a Goldilocks adventure for World Book Day! They also explored the stories of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood.
Self Portraits
Inspired by the iconic work of Frida Kahlo, the Transition children have been painting self portraits, selecting paint colours to match the features of their eyes, hair and skin tones.
Self Love Club
Transition have been feeling the love this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day. They created heart shaped artwork and had a relaxing time at the pre-school spa.
Harrogate Ladies’ College Celebrate Inspection Success
Pupils’ self-motivation and independent thinking; an embedded school-wide culture; and extensive extra-curricular programmes are just some of the key findings following a successful inspection of the Harrogate Ladies’ College family of schools by the Independent … Read Full Story