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International Food Stands
We celebrated our diverse school community during our 125th Anniversary garden party with a display of international stands with food from across the world.
Creative Writing Workshop
Our Creative Writing Workshop led by the fantastic author Lucy Adlington challenged the girls’ creative writing skills as they imagined what life was like during World War 2.
125th Anniversary Reunion
We were delighted to welcome over 200 of our amazing alumni to celebrate the school’s 125th Anniversary!
Tech Team Visit
Members of our Digital Leaders Club spent a day at Morrisons’ Head Office where they received hands-on training in Java from their graduate programme developers.
Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils Turn Crime Scene Investigators
Harrogate Ladies’ College pupils turned forensic scientists to investigate a murder mystery at school recently. The special CSI Day, run by the school’s Science Department, was designed to give students a taste of what collecting … Read Full Story
BBC Schools News Report
Budding Year 8 journalists worked as teams to write topical stories, filming, editing and uploading online as part of their BBC Schools News Report project.