FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 


Lower 5 have been investigating diffusion in their Science lessons, analysing how surface area can affect the rate at which particles move across jelly cubes.

Capturing the sites of Venice

Our Upper 6 Art, Photography and Textiles students enjoyed a trip to Venice last week. Embracing the culture and taking inspiration for their exams pieces, whilst capturing all the sites on a lens!

Football Fixture

Our U13 football team kicked off their season in the National Plate competition, wearing their brand new kit with pride!

Food Truck Rally

Our whole school community enjoyed a great evening socialising with friends at the welcome back Food Truck Rally. Thank you to HLC Friends for organising such a fantastic event!

Year 7 Power Pose

Our Year 7s had a great first week at College and have settled in well to all their new classes! One form showcased their confidence with the famous Power Pose!

College Appoints New Academic Leadership Duo

After a combined 14 years of service at Harrogate Ladies’ College, Paul Dwyer and Siobhan Scully will take on the roles of Deputy Heads Academic for the new academic year. Miss Scully has been selected … Read Full Story