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Chapel Choir
Year 13 girls in Chapel Choir have done a fantastic job singing for the Monday morning chapels. They ended half term with a performance of John Rutter’s ‘Look at the World’.
Instrumental Ensemble
The newly formed Year 9 instrumental ensemble have been working hard in weekly rehearsals. They have enjoyed learning a variety of different pieces on flute, clarinet and xylophone.
College pupils and teaching staff wore yellow on Friday to show their support for World Mental Health Day on Saturday 10 October.
Promoting Reuseable Face Masks
Disposable face masks pose the biggest threat to the environment when it comes to plastic pollution. Our eco committee are campaigning for more reusable face masks to be worn.
European Day Of Languages
Year 7 pupils celebrated European Day of Languages. They were given their « Secret Agent Handbook of language challenges ». Two challenges were completed and they will receive credits for completing additional challenges.
Harrogate Ladies’ College recognised as top Girls’ School in the North
Harrogate Ladies’ College has been recognised as the top girl’s school in the North of England by the Independent Schools of the Year Awards. After receiving news earlier in the year that they had been … Read Full Story