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Molecular Gastronomy
Food Science and Nutrition students in Lower 6 experimented with molecular gastronomy to create balsamic beads and different flavoured ‘spaghetti’, using chocolate, raspberry and mango coulis.
Practice Makes Perfect
Good luck to all our Upper 6 and Upper 5 students, who are sitting mock exams this week, in preparation for the Summer A level and GCSE exams.
Planetary Priorities
Chemistry students have been investigating how we might live more sustainably, and how fashion is changing to become more sustainable. Students also made Climate Pledges for the future.
Alumna who made rowing history
Henrietta Butler, daughter of former West Yorkshire MP Sir Giles Shaw, and Harrogate Ladies’ College alumna, was the first female cox for Cambridge University to compete in the Oxford vs Cambridge Boat Race. She was … Read Full Story
Festive Jumpers Galore
Pupils supported Save the Children by donning a fabulous array of Christmas Jumpers on Friday. They were certainly in festive mood as they headed off to the Harrogate pantomime!
A Place of Sanctuary
Pupils were privileged to welcome two speakers to College, who shared their first-hand experiences of seeking refuge in the UK from Sudan and Afghanistan. Their presentations were moving and thought-provoking.