Let the Games Begin!

Congratulations to all involved in the superb Upper 6 revue, themed on The Hunger Games. There were some exquisite staff send-ups, all taken in good humour, and much hilarity!

Problematic Polymers

Lower 5 Chemists discovered where the raw materials come from to make plastics and why we should cut down on their use. They modelled polymers from small building blocks called monomers.

Tea For Two or More

As part of Mental Health Week, prefects organised yoga, mindfulness activities and break time tea parties, in which pupils could sample a selection of healthy teas from the TeaPigs range.


Lower 4 Textiles pupils have been perfecting the art of freehand machine embroidery. They created some marvellous millinery in the form of fascinators, incorporating an imaginative array of insect designs.

Former pupil gets first novel published

Former Harrogate Ladies’ College pupil and budding writer has seen her dream come true with the publication of her first novel. Roxanne Davies, 20, from Embsay near Skipton, has just released ‘The Past Never Dies’, … Read Full Story

Pure Poetry

Several of our English students entered a poetry competition to have their work published in a collection, entitled ‘Empowered’. The lucky winners loved seeing their work in print.