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Christmas Card Design Competition Winner
Congratulations to Poppy in Year 2 for her brilliant design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends.
Transition Team Work
Boys and girls in Transition worked together in the garden to make tracks and pathways with wooden blocks. A great time was had by all!
Bonfire Night
Following on from Bonfire Night celebrations the boys and girls in Transition had great fun creating their own bonfire in the pre-school garden!
Forest School
As part of their Forest School sessions Year 6 pupils learnt how to use knives safely to whittle sticks. They then built a fire to toast their marshmallows!
Inter-Form Dodgeball
Year 10 took part in an inter-form dodgeball competition. It culminated in a thrilling final which the underdogs came back fighting to win!
Indoor And Outdoor Spaces
Foundation pupils have enjoyed playing in the muddy puddles outdoors, however the children also love our ‘lycra’ songs when we want to stay warm indoors!