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Eco Day
To raise awareness of Eco Day pupils and staff were encouraged to wear something green or sustainable. Money raised will go to international and local tree planting projects.
Leading The Way In Charity Fundraising For CARE International UK
Pupils at Highfield Prep School in Harrogate are the top school in the country lending through Lendwithcare, a poverty fighting initiative of charity, CARE International UK. Lendwithcare is a revolutionary way to help people in … Read Full Story
Transition And Foundation
Pre-School pupils were very excited when two new vehicles arrived in the garden. They have very kindly been purchased by the Keay-Wilson family. A huge thank you from everyone!
Reading Sessions
Year 2 children enjoyed taking part in group and guided reading sessions with a new selection of books. They were animated and enthusiastic sharing the experience of reading with their friends.
Boarders activities
Tower House boarders enjoyed getting creative and messy whilst making tie dye t-shirts at the weekend. They have been proudly sporting their creations since!
Christmas Card Design Competition Winner
Congratulations to Autumn in Year 13 for her fabulous design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends. You can also purchase Autumn’s work here.