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Reading Sessions
Year 2 children enjoyed taking part in group and guided reading sessions with a new selection of books. They were animated and enthusiastic sharing the experience of reading with their friends.
Boarders activities
Tower House boarders enjoyed getting creative and messy whilst making tie dye t-shirts at the weekend. They have been proudly sporting their creations since!
Christmas Card Design Competition Winner
Congratulations to Autumn in Year 13 for her fabulous design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends. You can also purchase Autumn’s work here.
Christmas Card Design Competition Winner
Congratulations to Poppy in Year 2 for her brilliant design which is now being made into a Christmas Card to send out to our wider community of friends.
Transition Team Work
Boys and girls in Transition worked together in the garden to make tracks and pathways with wooden blocks. A great time was had by all!
Bonfire Night
Following on from Bonfire Night celebrations the boys and girls in Transition had great fun creating their own bonfire in the pre-school garden!