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Cutting And Colours
Transition have continued to practice their cutting skills and enjoyed exploring different colours, mixing them whilst creating some wonderful artwork.
Music News
Year 9 RCH have been learning about the Blues. Everyone played the 12-bar Blues chord pattern on instruments both real and virtual!
Exploring Colour Mixing
Foundation boys and girls have enjoyed exploring colour mixing and making marks with vehicles and paint.
Florence Nightingale
After learning about Florence Nightingale a Year 2 pupil used her pens and pencils to make a fantastic picture depicting the famous nurse with her lamp.
Hundertwasser Inspired Drawings
Year 7 Textiles pupils have continued their carousel programme by reviewing the work of the artist, Hundertwasser. The girls were challenged to complete an observational drawing to replicate his original work.
Problem Solving
Problem solving activities have given children lots of opportunities to use their imaginations whilst exploring the resources in Pre-School in their play.