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Chapel Choir Zoom Party
Chapel Choir weren’t able to have a foreign tour this year so Upper Sixth students devised a wonderful Saturday morning Zoom party to visit Paris and Australia instead!
Snacks In The Sunshine
Transition pupils enjoyed their first picnic snack together outside in the spring sunshine!
World Down Syndrome Day
Pupils celebrated World Down Syndrome Day by wearing odd socks to represent the extra chromosome 21 that people with Down Syndrome have, whilst raising money for two local charities.
Red Nose Day
Pupils enjoyed delicious Red Nose Day themed biscuits made by our talented chefs for Comic Relief on Friday!
Blowing Bubbles
Our youngest boys and girls enjoyed moving to the bubbles blowing in pre-school this week and catching them as they fell.
Forest School
Year 5 pupils enjoyed their Forest School session this week. They were grateful for our outdoor classroom and sheltered from the rain whilst learning how to use knives’ safely and build fires.