New School Pond

To help celebrate our new school pond, children in all year groups have been creating beautiful bunting to decorate the pond area.

Planting Sunflowers

Transition pupils had fun digging and preparing the soil for the sunflower seeds that are being planted. The boys and girls were very excited when they found some potatoes in the raised beds!

Highfield Fundraising Reaches Over £25,000 For Charity

Highfield Prep School has raised over £25,000 for charity in the past year, exceeding the school’s annual fundraising target in a year of national lockdowns.  Highfield who last year won the prestigious TES award for … Read Full Story

Charity Day

Boys and girls in Pre-School enjoyed participating in our Sports-themed Charity Day on Thursday.

Class Assembly

Year 2 pupils enjoyed stories and photographs from Mr Savile of his travels around Scotland. Mr Savile also showed the children some whale bones collected from one of the beaches he visited!

Psychology Talk

Sixth Form Psychology students were enthralled by a Zoom talk by Stefan Marianski from the Freud Museum who gave a detailed insight into one of Freud’s famous case studies.