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Pharaohs Rule
Prep 3 pupils have had such fun learning about Ancient Egypt in History lessons and making portraits of themselves as Pharaohs in Art. They all look like very convincing rulers!
Feathered Friends
Pre-School children are busy preparing for the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch, and have made some wonderful pictures of our feathered friends, using bits and bobs they found in the garden.
Molecular Gastronomy
Food Science and Nutrition students in Lower 6 experimented with molecular gastronomy to create balsamic beads and different flavoured ‘spaghetti’, using chocolate, raspberry and mango coulis.
Into the Woods
Prep 5 ventured out for their first adventure in the Pinewoods this week. They learnt about how hard prey animals have to work to hide from their predators.
Musical Maths
Pre-School children have been working hard on their counting skills this week. They enjoyed learning new songs that involved lots of counting and concentration!
Practice Makes Perfect
Good luck to all our Upper 6 and Upper 5 students, who are sitting mock exams this week, in preparation for the Summer A level and GCSE exams.