Easy Pickings

Children in Foundation have had a wonderful time playing games with tweezers, whilst developing their fine motor skills. They discovered conkers are especially tricky to pick up!

Holding Court

Prep 4 pupils have worked hard over the last six weeks in PE. Their ball skills and spatial awareness have improved hugely.

A Profusion of Diffusion

Upper 3 pupils investigated the effect of diffusion using Skittles sweets. They made rainbow circles in petri dishes, added water and observed closely.

Aiming High

A Harrogate schoolgirl is literally aiming high in her bid to play for England one day. Ruth Bertenshaw has been picked to join the Leeds Rhinos Under 17 Netball Academy – at the tender age … Read Full Story

Happiness is…

As part of our ‘Be Inspired’ programme, RedCrest Careers came to talk about career choices, advising pupils to pursue areas which make them happy, whilst engaging in lifelong learning.

A Material World

As part of their science work on materials, Prep 1 children went searching for different materials around the school grounds and described some of their properties.