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Bugging Out
Pre-School children visited the Eco Pond and the Bug Hotel in the Spring sunshine and considered what makes a great home for different types of insects.
Afternoon Tea in style
Afternoon tea for Lincoln House boarders last Sunday afternoon was a sumptuous feast, and Max the dog was really hoping for a few crumbs to come his way too!
Donkey Designs
In RE lessons, Prep 3 pupils learnt about the Palm Sunday story and created their own beasts of burden to bring the story to life.
Colour Challenge
Pre-School Children have been concentrating on colours this week. They enjoyed a fun game of musical colour hoops and soon became very fast at colour recognition!
Inspiring Woman Competition
Harrogate Ladies’ College has launched a junior essay writing competition to mark International Women’s Day. We can’t wait to read tales of inspirational women from budding writers at local primary schools. The competition, entitled ‘Inspirational … Read Full Story
Let the Games Begin!
Congratulations to all involved in the superb Upper 6 revue, themed on The Hunger Games. There were some exquisite staff send-ups, all taken in good humour, and much hilarity!