Chopstick Challenge

Pre-School children enjoyed experimenting with chopsticks this week, and discovered just how tricky it is to pick up grains of rice. They soon realised that spoons were much easier!

Former pupil gets first novel published

Former Harrogate Ladies’ College pupil and budding writer has seen her dream come true with the publication of her first novel. Roxanne Davies, 20, from Embsay near Skipton, has just released ‘The Past Never Dies’, … Read Full Story

Pure Poetry

Several of our English students entered a poetry competition to have their work published in a collection, entitled ‘Empowered’. The lucky winners loved seeing their work in print.

Twitchers Unite

All Prep children were involved in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch this week. There were plenty of enthusiastic and eagle-eyed ‘twitchers’ to spot the surprising variety of species in the grounds.

Watch the Birdie!

Pre-School children had a wonderful week exploring the bird life around the school grounds for the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch – a perfect theme for practising numbers and colours too.

Pupil wins prestigious prize for her charity work

An inspirational pupil who has a passion for social equality has won a prestigious prize for her charity work. Sophie Dragoj, 18, received the Rotary Club of Harrogate Young Citizen Award 2021-2022 for her efforts … Read Full Story