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Van Gogh Alive
Lower School Art and Textiles enthusiasts visited the Van Gogh Alive immersive exhibition in Bradford this week. Van Gogh’s work was brought to life through projection, animation and music.
Science Lessons on Changing State
Prep 4 reinforced their science lessons on ‘Changing State’ by melting chocolate to make delicious crispy cakes, demonstrating that solids become liquids when heated and return to solids when cooled.
The Innkeeper’s Breakfast
Pre-School children wowed their parents with their performances in their spectacular nativity play, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’. Everyone delivered their lines beautifully and the audience really enjoyed all the festive jokes.
Gaining Momentum
Thank you to Mrs Wild, who kindly delivered this week’s careers talk. Mrs Wild is an investment manager at McInroy & Woods, and an ambassador for GAIN (Girls are INvestors).
Stealth Mode for Prep 3
Prep 3 pupils had a brilliant practical lesson with staff from the Army Foundation College. They learnt about camouflage, stealth tactics, and field craft. Everyone loved putting on camo cream.
Like Ducks to Water
Pre-School children are taking to their weekly swimming lessons like ducks to water. This week they helped some frogs to cross the imaginary pond.