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The Way of Water
Highfield pupils celebrated Water Week, as they considered environmental issues, built boats to investigate floating and sinking, and observed pond life. All rounded off with the creation of a new rainbow mural in the playground!
The Boarders’ Bake Off
Boarders had cause for continuous fun as they celebrated National Boarding Week, including taking over the Boarding House kitchens to make cakes and treats to sell in aid of local charity, Resurrected Bites.
Trips & Activities Week Launches with Army Skills
Trips & Activities Week was launched by Lance Corporal Elychia Watson – also a professional rugby player with Leeds Rhinos – who led pupils to hone army skills, including problem-solving, teamwork, and numerous physical challenges.
Highfield celebrates cultural exchange with Thai students
Highfield Prep School has been celebrating an innovative cultural exchange programme for pupils. Part of the Harrogate Ladies’ College family of schools, Highfield recently hosted four pupils from Thailand for the past few weeks. The … Read Full Story
Foundation Make a Splash!
The wet summer weather towards the end of term didn’t dampen Foundation‘s spirits, as they headed outside to catch raindrops and enjoyed splashing around in muddy puddles!
A Rounders Extravaganza!
Sporty Prep 5 pupils competed in the annual Harrogate Ladies’ College Rounders Extravaganza alongside Terrington Hall, Westville House and Richmond House School, with many fun but close matches played. Congratulations to Terrington Hall’s winning team!