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Aromas in the Air
Transition pupils have been exploring their sense of smell, by smelling different aromas and incorporating them into everyday play, such as cinnamon Play-Doh and writing their names in strawberry conditioner.
Harvest Sing
Reception and Transition classes celebrated the Harvest Festival, by taking part in a special assembly ‘Harvest Sing’. They learnt famous Harvest Songs and Dances and made some great Hats too.
House Drama Spectacular
Students took to the stage for the inaugural whole school House Drama competition, combining top tier acting, dancing and ingenuous creativity. The standard was exceptionally high, leaving the audience Star-Struck!
The Five Senses
Foundation pupils have been exploring their senses from listening to the sounds in their environment, by playing in the water, painting conkers and playing with Play-Doh that smells like chocolate.
Prep 2 Visit Temple Newsam
Prep 2 enjoyed going back in time to the Tudor era, having lots of fun dressing up as notable characters and exploring the grounds of Temple Newsam.
Careers Fair
On Wednesday we hosted our ‘Be Inspired’ Careers Fair, with over 25 exhibitors in attendance. Pupils benefited from having one-to-one conversations with employers, gaining insights into a range of different careers.