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Forest School
Prep 5 braved the cold weather for their first Forest School session! They enjoyed some games and activities in the Forest and finished off with a warm drink of hot chocolate!
Inspiring Musicians
Upper 3 pupils have been taking part in music masterclasses on the Keyboard, Clarinet and Violin as part of a new instrumental enrichment programme.
Carols around the Christmas Tree
Reception and Pre-School children took part in singing carols around the Christmas Tree. They memorised actions to the songs and sang beautifully in front of an audience.
Carol Singing
Prep 3, 4, 5 & 6 had a fun and festive afternoon singing carols to raise money for St Michael’s Hospice. They managed to raise a staggering £720, which will help in supporting a great … Read Full Story
Silent Disco
Our boarding pupils celebrated the end of term in style with a silent disco party, dancing and singing their hearts out to their favourite Christmas Classics.
A visit from Father Christmas
Pre-school had a very special visit from Father Christmas! The children listened to a story, sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and were delighted to receive a present.