FRIDAY 2 MAY, 9.30AM-12PM 

We’ll be opening the doors to our family of schools again on Friday 2 May – why not come along and find out what makes us different!  

To register, please click the link below or email admissions at admissions@hlc.org.uk 

Self Love Club

Transition have been feeling the love this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day. They created heart shaped artwork and had a relaxing time at the pre-school spa. 

Egyptian Day

Prep 3 took part in an Egyptian themed day last week. They dressed up for the occasion and held a spectacular assembly for parents!

Be Inspired Day

Last week, all students across College took part in a Be Inspired Day, where we welcomed guest speakers from a wide variety of industries to deliver inspiring talks and creative workshops!

Harrogate Ladies’ College Celebrate Inspection Success

Pupils’ self-motivation and independent thinking; an embedded school-wide culture; and extensive extra-curricular programmes are just some of the key findings following a successful inspection of the Harrogate Ladies’ College family of schools by the Independent … Read Full Story

Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils Shine in House Music Spectacular

Team spirit and incredible talent took centre stage on Tuesday, as the pupils of Harrogate Ladies’ College stole the show in the annual House Music Competition. Performing in their academic houses, pupils took full ownership … Read Full Story

Practising Self-Care

Pre-School children have been practising self-care skills through various types of role-play, such as washing and bathing their dollies in the water tray.