Writers Workshop

Pupils in Key Stage 2 took part in a Writing Workshop led by Author Liz Flanagan. Pupils used their imagination to create characters, settings and an exciting story opener.

Rainforest Debate

Lower Four Geography pupils took part in a rainforest debate challenge. Each group prepared a compelling speech and defended their corners, whilst facing difficult questions from opposing groups.

Swimming Sharks

Transition children turned into sharks with their floats and made a big splash while practicing to kick their legs and blow bubbles in the water during their first swimming lesson.

Roman Invasion

Prep 3 had an amazing time experiencing life as a Roman! They showcased their considerable talents, working together to make catapult and even compiled a Roman menu including swans and dormice!

Sixth Form Taster Day

Upper Five students attended a Sixth Form Taster Day in College. They spent the day trialling A Level lessons and also enjoyed break time in the hub with Iced Lattes. 

Firework Sparkles

Foundation had fun exploring all things bonfire night. They enjoyed creating their own patterns in the firework sparkles, all whilst learning about how to stay safe around fires.