Highfield Prep School Celebrate Amazing Success in LAMDA Speech and Drama Examinations

Boys and girls from Highfield Prep School, part of Harrogate Ladies’ College, have achieved unprecedented success in their recent LAMDA Speech and Drama examinations.  The children achieved amazing results with a 100% pass rate including … Read Full Story

Bankfield Pre-Prep Leavers’ Barbeque

This week the boys and girls of Bankfield’s Pre-Prep section enjoyed glorious sunshine at their Bankfield Leavers’ Barbeque.  The children were joined by parents, family, friends and teachers to celebrate the childrens’ time at Bankfield … Read Full Story

Harrogate Ladies’ College Pupils Visit Battlefields of the First World War

From Hull to Zeebrugge on a ferry, followed by Ieper (Ypres) to the Somme on a bus; Harrogate Ladies’ College, Upper 4 travelled long and hard to seek out the battlefields of the First World … Read Full Story

Holocaust Survivor Arek Hersh Visits College

Harrogate Ladies’ College Lower Sixth students listened to a stimulating and incredibly moving talk from Holocaust survivor, Arek Hersh this week.  Arek talked about his experiences in concentration camps which included Auschwitz, when he was … Read Full Story

Leading Child Psychological Therapist to Deliver FREE Starting School Talk in Harrogate

Sarah Lloyd, one of the UK’s leading Child Psychological Therapist, is to deliver a free talk on how you can prepare your child psychologically for starting primary school.  The talk will take place on Wednesday … Read Full Story

Highfield Prep School Celebrates Opening of Sponsored Ugandan School

Boys and girls from Highfield Prep School, part of Harrogate Ladies’ College, are celebrating the opening of a brand new school in Uganda which they helped to fund. The school, called Salvation Way Primary School … Read Full Story