Mini Music Makers

Pre-school children joined forces with Reception for a Mini Music Makers session with Mrs Gray. They had a super fun afternoon learning new songs and dances. 

Egyptian Royalty

Prep 3 have been using pastels to transform a profile photograph of themselves into Egyptian royalty by creating these fabulous Pharaoh works of art.

Lower 5 Learn Self-Defence

Lower 5 students actively participated in a Self-Defence class, led by by Mark Young from the Ripon Natural Health Centre. Pupils learnt methods to help protect themselves and stay safe.

The Three Little Pigs

Foundation children have been reading the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs.’ They also built a giant house using foam bricks to see if the wolf could blow it down. 


Prep 3 have been rocking their new Science topic, learning all about rocks! After classifying and sorting various rocks they can now tell the difference between sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Ice Cream with a Twist

Lower 6 Food Science and Nutrition pupils have been making ice cream using the ‘dry ice technique.’ A great lesson to illustrate new product development and it tasted delicious too!