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The 1st lacrosse squad competed in the Open Scottish Schools Lacrosse Tournament where they met Fettes School in the final and won 8-6.
Spanish Speaking World
Year 9 have been studying the many countries where Spanish is widely spoken. Each pupil chose a country to research including its population and main exports to create a display to present in class.
Class Collaboration
Year 4 classes have been learning about team work and put theory into practice by successfully completing a tricky domino challenge.
Australia Day
Pre-school children celebrated Australia Day by wearing green and yellow and making koala masks!
Foundation Explorers
Foundation children have had fun finding out about animals from cold climates. From penguins to polar bears the children have explored and investigated through role play and creativity.
Victorian Day Out
Year 2 enjoyed dressing up as Victorians and learning about the ‘stinky’ water from the wells which was used for curing ailments during their visit to the Mercer Gallery and Pump Rooms.