Parthenon Marbles Debate

Year 6 led a lively and challenging debate about the Parthenon Marbles with Year 5. Both sides contested whether they should stay at the British Museum or returned to Greece.

Budding Biologists

Our A level Biologists took part in a genetics masterclass involving a restriction digest and gel electrophoresis on a recent trip to the Life Science Centre, Newcastle.

Valentine’s Messages From Our Youngest Pupils

Our youngest boys and girls have been using their creative skills to make Valentine’s messages for friends and family.

Fake News

Year 3 pupils have created fake news based on their Ancient Egypt topic by changing various key points to make the news fictional.


The 1st lacrosse squad competed in the Open Scottish Schools Lacrosse Tournament where they met Fettes School in the final and won 8-6.

Spanish Speaking World

Year 9 have been studying the many countries where Spanish is widely spoken. Each pupil chose a country to research including its population and main exports to create a display to present in class.