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A delivery box has been used for great outdoor play. The children have decorated it, spent time going on amazing adventures and let their imagination create some lovely stories.
Year 1 pupils have been busy in their English lessons reading recipes. After reading the method, the boys and girls drew some excellent picture boards to illustrate each step.
Some Year 10 pupils had their first Science lesson back in school where they investigated the properties of light and refraction with Mrs Whitaker.
Exploring the Outdoors
Working in pods, the children made bug dens, investigated leaves and enjoyed water and mud exploration. Transition pupils also went for a walk using new extended ‘social distancing’ ropes.
Signs Of Summer
Year 1 pupils enjoyed spending time outside and looked for signs of summer in their Science lessons, exploring different parts of the school grounds.
Harrogate Ladies’ College Head Girl Amelia Braithwaite Awarded Place At LAMDA
Current Harrogate Ladies College Head Girl and senior Drama Scholar Amelia Braithwaite has been awarded a place to train for a BA in Acting at the highly prestigious LAMDA. Amelia received the good news after … Read Full Story