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Microsoft Webinars
Year 9 pupils took part in Microsoft webinars aimed at girls about Artificial Intelligence. They discovered what AI is, what it does and how it can solve, or cause, problems.
Virtual Classroom
Pre-School children have made cards for friends, went on blossom walks and scavenger hunts and continued their shape work.
Year 2 pupils have been learning about ‘Habitats’ as part of their Science topic and created a piece of work about the animals of the world in their natural habitats.
Rainbow Assembly
Pupils and staff wore rainbow coloured clothes to support the NHS and to show that we are united as a community of hope even whilst we are apart.
Physics At Home
Year 8 pupils have been continuing their studies and carrying out Mr Hartley’s practical Physics lessons at home!
Science Experiment
Year 3 pupils set up a Science experiment at home to see how water is transported in a plant.