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The Mechanicals Prologue
Year 8 girls enjoyed showcasing their talent for performing Shakespeare in Drama. They particularly enjoyed an inventive interpretation of the Mechanicals Prologue from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’!
Microsoft Webinar Part 2
Lower School pupils discovered how the collection of data and a mobile phone app can help reduce poaching of elephants and alert people to danger in the second AI webinar.
Music Lessons
Pupils are enjoying weekly remote piano lessons with Mrs Speirs. Sometimes they have a very funky tech set-up with two cameras and split screens!
Nature Hunt
A Transition pupil went on a nature hunt around the school and found all the flowers he was looking for, with a little help.
Good Morning Class
Pupils continue really enjoying all the activities that have been planned at home. A Transition pupil has even set up his own home school.
Beautiful Beetles
Siblings in different year groups enjoyed working together to create beautiful, symmetrical beetles in their art sessions.